Admissions arrangements for entry into Year 7

Admission to Year 7 - Secondary Transfer

These are the admission arrangements for entry into Year 7 in September 2025 to Prendergast Vale School.

Our Published Admissions Number (PAN) is 120 students.

In September 2024, the Governors will admit 90 (out of 120) male and female students to Year 7 of Prendergast Vale School. 30 (out of 120) students will be able to transfer directly from Year 6 from Prendergast Vale Primary Phase. Should these places not all be taken by these Year 6 students in the primary phase, then offers of any remaining places will be made to external students.

You must apply for a place through the local authority of the area in which you live (this may not necessarily be the same local authority as the school if you do not live in Lewisham).   

The closing date for Secondary Transfer applications (via is 11:59pm on Thursday 31 October 2024.

Key Admission Process Dates (for entry in September 2025)

Date Event
1 September 2024  Secondary Transfer applications open (via
September - October 2024 Open Events take place (click here for details)

31 October 2024

Closing date for submitting the Common Application Form for Secondary Transfer applications.

Closing date for submitting a social-medical claim to the school with written evidence from a professional for consideration. You must complete the school's Supplementary Information Form and submit your evidence direct to the school by 11:59pm at this deadline.

1 March 2025 National Offer Day

This school participates in the Pan-London Admissions Scheme. For applications in the normal admissions round you should use the online application form which can be found at:

For those who do not reside in one of the London boroughs or surrounding county councils which participates in the Pan-London Admissions Scheme, an application should be made via the home local authority. You can use the online form to express your preference of a maximum of SIX state-funded schools, in rank order. It is the parent’s responsibility to submit an application and any required supporting evidence before the published closing date for applications. 

Please carefully read our Determined Admissions Policy 2025-26 before applying:

See School Policies for the Admissions Policy 2025-26

Social-Medical claims: Your social-medical claim with supporting evidence must reach the school before the closing date for submissions shown in the Key Admission Process Dates above. Further information about how to make a claim under this criterion is below.

Should an applicant not be successful under a higher criterion, they will automatically be considered for a place using any other relevant criteria.

You will receive the outcome of your Secondary Transfer application direct from your local authority at National Offer Day.

Open Events

We are pleased to offer our Secondary Phase Open Events programme in September and October 2024.

Our Open Mornings will be held during a normal school day giving families an opportunity to see teaching and learning taking place. Small groups will be given guided tours of our secondary school and there will be a presentation given by the Headteacher, Mr Coogan.

Our Open Evening also offers an opportunity to hear from Mr Coogan and other members of our senior team, as well as being shown around our school and its facilites in a small group led by one of our secondary prefects.

Please book your visit here.

How to make a claim under the Social or Medical criterion

This criterion is for children with a social or medical need that is exceptional, and who can demonstrate that Prendergast Vale School is particularly well suited to meet that need.

Applications must include:

  1. The school’s Supplementary Information Form, which is available via the school’s website or from the admissions office.
  2. Written evidence from an appropriate qualified professional (eg: doctor or social worker) which confirms the exceptional need and is dated within the six months prior to the date of application.

Applications may also include additional supporting evidence from other professionals (eg: current SENCO or headteacher) who are currently providing direct care/support/treatment to the child relating to their exceptional need on an ongoing basis in their professional capacity. However, this additional evidence will only be considered if the mandatory pieces of evidence have been submitted with the original application.

All supporting evidence should be submitted with the application and before the closing date for applications.

Applications under this criterion are determined by the Governors’ Admissions Committee.

For your child to be considered under the Social-Medical criterion, please submit the school's Supplementary Information Form at the link below:

Make a claim under the Social-Medical criterion (form)

Claims and written evidence for social-medical consideration must be submitted directly to the school using the school's Supplementary Information Form.

Your social-medical claim and supporting evidence must reach the school before the closing date for submissions published in our Key Admission Process Dates.

Your written evidence should be sent direct to the school via the email below. If you are unable to send an email, you may post or deliver your written evidence to the school, which must reach the school before the closing date for applications. The school closes at 4.00pm on school days and is not open at weekends, holidays or INSET days.

Please email your written evidence to PVS Admissions:

There are no exceptions to the deadline for supplementary forms for any reason to ensure that the process is fair to all. 

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

All children whose Education Health & Care Plan (EHCP) names the school will be admitted before any other places are allocated.

Oversubscription criteria

The school has capacity to admit 120 pupils to Year 7 in September 2024. 30 students will be able to transfer directly from Year 6 of the Prendergast Vale primary phase. If your child is already on the roll of the primary phase, you do not have to apply for the secondary phase; your child will be automatically transferred from Year 6 into Year 7. Should these places not all be taken by these Year 6 students in the primary phase, then offers of any remaining places will be made to external students. (Please be aware it is the policy of the local authority that families cannot hold two offers at the same time. Therefore, if a parent accepts a place in Year 7 at another school, their child’s name will be removed from the automatic transfer list for Year 7 at Prendergast Vale School and the place will be offered to another child).

If the school is not oversubscribed, all applicants will be offered a place.

In the event that the school receives more applications than the number of places at the normal point of entry, and after those children with an Education Health & Care Plan which names the school have been admitted, the Governors will apply the oversubscription criteria in priority order to determine which applicants qualify for a place. 

The oversubscription criteria are described in detail in our Determined Admissions Policy. The following provides a summary only:

  1. Children who meet the definition of looked after children or previously looked after children.
  2. Children with a social or medical need that is exceptional.
  3. Siblings: A child whose sibling is on roll in Years 7-10 of the school on the closing date for applications and is expected to be on roll (in Years 7-11) at the intended date of admission. 
  4. The children of staff in either or both of the following circumstances:
    a) Where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made: and/or
    b) The member of staff is recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skills shortage.
  5. Those who are permanently living nearest to the school. All distances will be calculated digitally as a straight-line distance to a nodal point in the school premises (centre of internal courtyard) from a nodal point in the applicant’s permanent home address. The child’s home address will be considered to be where the child normally and habitually resides and with a parent with parental responsibility. The applicant’s home local authority will be expected to verify a child’s permanent home address in accordance with its published London-wide coordinated admission scheme.

Please note the following information about the oversubscription criterion:

Looked after children or previously looked after children are children who, at the time of making an application to a school, are as defined in the School Admissions Code (2021).

See above and our admissions policy for how to make a claim for consideration under the social-medical criterion. Written evidence from an appropriate qualified professional must be provided to the school before the closing date.

3 Siblings include all blood siblings or adoptive siblings, half-siblings, foster siblings of looked after children and step siblings. All siblings must live permanently at the same address as the qualifying sibling on roll. Proof of the sibling relationship may be required.

Siblings in Year 11 and those who attend Prendergast Vale in the nursery or primary phase (Reception - Year 6) do not qualify for sibling priority for entry to Year 7. 

5 To note - Children of staff at the school will include those members of staff who work across all of the schools in the Federation and meet the remainder of the eligibility criteria.

6 If more than one applicant lives in a multi-occupancy building, such as flats, we will give priority to the applicant whose door number is the lowest (numerically or alphabetically).

Waiting list

Waiting lists are held in the same order as the oversubscription criteria.

The Local Authority hold the Year 7 waiting list and process this on behalf of the school until the end of the Autumn Term of the year of entry. From 1 January of Year 7 onwards, the school handles its own in-year admissions. Please follow our in-year admissions process:

In-year admissions information

To ensure the waiting list is accurate, the list will close at the end of the academic year in July. Parents/carers must re-apply to the school at the start of the academic year in September.

The school participates in Lewisham Local Authority’s Fair Access Protocol for in-year admissions and children may be prioritised over those children on the waiting list for admission under this protocol.

Furthest distance measurement

The following table indicates the furthest home to school distance place offered (except where shown*) as at National Offer Day each year of entry into Year 7.

Year of entry Furthest distance measurement
Entry in September 2024 6150.11 metres*
Entry in September 2023 9305.15 metres
Entry in September 2022 9587.46 metres
Entry in September 2021 5259.58 metres

*The distance shown is the furthest distance place other than a distance of 73,272.05 metres for other reason.


If your child’s application for a place at the school is unsuccessful, you will be informed why admission was refused and given information about the process for submitting an appeal. Under the Schools Standard and Framework Act, the Governing Board of the school has to make appeal arrangements for parents who wish to appeal against their child not receiving an offer of admission to the school. Parents may appeal against the Governor’s decision by setting out the grounds of their appeal in writing.

Appeal forms are available for download on the website until the appeals deadline for the Starting School round. At any other time, or to request a paper copy, appeal forms are available on request from the school office. Please phone our Reception.

You can find details of the school’s appeals timetable on the appeals page of the school website. This information is updated from 28 February each year.

Further information on Secondary appeals

Contact Admissions

Please email our Admissions team:
(Emails are monitored during term time only when the school is open.)

Or call the school via telephone number: 020 8297 3540 (school hours only)